Where to Make a Phone Call in San Francisco Quiet Place

  • #2

Are you trying to just be able to hear the call or not let the people on the other end know where you are? There are several places in the parks you could hear a call at but not many quiet enough to keep your location a secret....there's always something going on everywhere noise wise.



<font color=brown>Love the Indi hats!<br><font col

  • #4

maybe inside the secret bathroom or out inbetween the two parks isnt to crowded during the day

  • #5

What about from Pirates Lair?



<marquee><font color=deeppink>Sweet!!! Totally!!!!

  • #6

Hmmm, honestly, he should go back to the hotel and make the call from there. That way he can control the noise around him to the fullest extent. At DL there just isn't anyplace I would feel is quiet enough. A PP suggested Starcade but I always feel like it's soooooooooooo noisy in there......I just thought tho, maybe on Pacific Wharf in DCA or maybe in the "outside" seating for Pizza Port, on the walk up to Space Mtn, sometimes it's quieter in there......maybe on the monorail? Can you ask the monorail attendants if you guys can just ride as a loop? Of course that does not ensure that no one else will ride with you and have loud kids or something......ya, I think the hotel is his best choice. :)

  • #7

Hmmm, honestly, he should go back to the hotel and make the call from there. That way he can control the noise around him to the fullest extent. At DL there just isn't anyplace I would feel is quiet enough. A PP suggested Starcade but I always feel like it's soooooooooooo noisy in there......I just thought tho, maybe on Pacific Wharf in DCA or maybe in the "outside" seating for Pizza Port, on the walk up to Space Mtn, sometimes it's quieter in there......maybe on the monorail? Can you ask the monorail attendants if you guys can just ride as a loop? Of course that does not ensure that no one else will ride with you and have loud kids or something......ya, I think the hotel is his best choice. :)

I agree with pixie, at DL there is always noise noise noise whether its loud kids or background music there is going to be noise so I guess he will just have to stay in the hotel room for a half hour :) :banana: have an awesome time!!

  • #8

maybe take the tram to the parking structure area? They don't have many announcements over speakers or anything in that area either....

  • #9

How about going to the Hungry Bear? There are a couple different levels of seating, and I know that on at least on of them you can get way our on a corner over the water.

  • #11

The tour area next to City Hall.
Outside the bathroom at the bank.
There is the old Tony's restaurant area next to were floats come out in Main Street.
The courtyards in New Orleans Square.
Go to Innoventions then upstairs and outside to a private balconey area.
Normally the path at Big Thunder is quiet but it is being worked on.
the path that goes between Matterhorn and tomorrowland eateries and buildings is quiet and few go there.
The motorboat area is seldom visited.
In a corner on the road from Matterhorn and Small World.
Mark Twain is semi private.

  • #13

I vote for going over to the Grand Californian Hotel and taking the elevator to the 5th floor. There is an outdoor balcony off the pool side of the lobby atrium that is for private parties and such and open to guest when they are not using it. We recorded our review of Storyteller's Cafe there, so obviously we found it to be quiet enough. That way, if you are staying offsite, you wouldn't have to completely leave Disney.

Otherwise, the GCH has little seating areas on the room floors specifically on 3 and on 5, near the Storytellers elevators (in the DTD most corner) that would also suffice. Scout them out.


<font color=teal>I <font color=magenta>♥ <font col

  • #14

Go to farmer's market in DCA. I go there for lunch at 11:30 and nobody is every there. No noise whatsoever.

  • #15

Ooh - the Farmer's Market is a good one - just make sure that Flik and Atta aren't doing their character visit.

The one of ther DCA place to suggest is the back corner of the old Chinese fast food - the Lucky Fortune or whatever it was called. There are still tables under there. A ladies mariachi band will come by occasionally, but their performance times are actually listed on the schedule - the character ones are not.

Also in DCA - the path that goes under the lift for Grizzly River Rapids. That is usually empty once you go under the lift. Smokers are found on the outside of the lift.

Here's another DCA - way back in the back by Monster's Inc - near the abandoned restaurant soundstage or the queue of the abandoned Millionaire attraction.

  • #16

DCA has that back trail around the ride that few people go through unless they are lost or smoking or ...
The Wharf area is currently nearly empty and has lots of nooks and crannies that are quiet.
There is a disabled ramp up to the winery on the west side with trees. There is a big gate there and it is just east of the San Francisco area. Very quiet.
Most of the Hollywood area on the north side is empty. There is the empty warehouse with dining that is closed and the stage area. Few people ever go back there any more or by the old Millionaire building.
Semi quiet is around Ariels Grotto, not the quietest place but quiet enough.

In the Esplanade you can find some out of the way corners sometimes.

Where to Make a Phone Call in San Francisco Quiet Place

Source: https://www.disboards.com/threads/quiet-places-to-make-phone-calls-in-parks.2120814/

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