Inviting Apartment With A Warm And Dynamic Interior Design

We've seen our share of fashionable apartments with all sorts of crazy and interesting interiors and features merely few of them actually feel like home. To give a space that type of warmth and amuse you lot need to keep things uncomplicated and to cull the right materials, color and finishes in the right proportions.

Apartment M in Bucharest daytime area View in gallery

This space is called Flat G and was designed by Rosu-Ciocodeica, a duo of talented architects with an impressive joint portfolio. They both graduated in 2011 and quickly managed to find their style: a combination of traditional coziness and industrial luxury.

Apartment M in Bucharest living space View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest lounge area View in gallery

The apartment is located in Bucharest, Romania and its pattern was completed in 2016. It has nice panoramic views of the urban center and an interior that feels warm and welcoming correct from the start. The architects wanted to make this space experience open and spacious while also being highly flexible and functional.

Apartment M in Bucharest living room sofa View in gallery

At that place's a really overnice dynamic between all the interior spaces. The apartment is separated a daytime area and a night zone. The day zone is open and bright without looking austere or deprived of character. The herringbone floors really give the space a very inviting and comfortable expect.

Apartment M in Bucharest living room curtains View in gallery

Although this is an open floor program area, there are means to visually and physically dissever the spaces if and when needed. The architects fabricated sure of that by including a serial of space dividers. The possibility of separating the areas is a really nice touch, making this layout a very flexible one.

Apartment M in Bucharest folding partition View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest folding partition wall View in gallery

The partitions are made of metal and drinking glass and give the apartment a nice industrial look without standing out also much. They outline the décor in an elegant style, playing with contrasts and forms.

Apartment M in Bucharest office and guest room View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest firewood storage View in gallery

The kitchen and the dwelling function are part of the social area and the dining space sits at the center of the space. At that place's also a comfortable and cozy lounge infinite with two sofas facing each other. Long grayness curtains make the space even more than enjoyable.

Apartment M in Bucharest dining table View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest dining room View in gallery

A separate infinite functions every bit both a dwelling house part and guest room. Information technology has a fireplace and features a really clever and interesting firewood storage pattern. It's a narrow vertical nook between the wall unit and the folding partition frame.

Apartment M in Bucharest dining area View in gallery

The kitchen is similarly welcoming. The wooden flooring actually warms up the space. In improver, the kitchen island table is a great feature that also serves as a visual separator between the kitchen space and the rest of the social areas.

Apartment M in Bucharest kitchen

Apartment M in Bucharest kitchen table View in gallery

The bedrooms are divers by soft and pleasant colors and fresh accents. One has a white-painted brick accent wall that adds texture to the décor. The room is small-scale but doesn't feel tiny thanks to the simplicity of the interior pattern.

Apartment M in Bucharest bedroom brick wall View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest bedroom closet View in gallery

Mirrors are used to make spaces look and feel larger. Their strategic use is besides aesthetic, adding glamor and sophistication to the interior décor of the rooms.

Apartment M in Bucharest bedroom mirror wall View in gallery

The night zone also includes the bathroom which is a small but really chic space that features white subway tiles on the walls and a glass walk-in shower.

Apartment M in Bucharest bathroom shower View in gallery
Apartment M in Bucharest bathroom sink View in gallery


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